
b, psy, soc, socwork:


  • Recipient is a 健康, Psychology, or Sociology major
  • Full-time or Part-time student, Traditional or Non-Traditional student
  • Will work at Colonial Living during 学术期
  • 参加文森斯大学主校区
  • Financial need is a consideration - low to middle income
  • 高中GPA 2.5 or better; Must maintain a GPA 2.5分或以上 澳门足球博彩官方网址
  • 诺克斯县高中毕业生
  • Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

H.A. & 琼·里奇·多拉汉奖学金

  • Education, Psychology and Nursing majors will receive first consideration
  • 全日制,兼职或暑期学校. Summer school students repeating one or more 课程将不符合资格
  • Any year of attendance; traditional or non-traditional
  • 经济需求是首要考虑因素
  • Recipients must maintain a minimum GPA 2.期间的所有时间(非累积)为0 奖学金期限
  • Eligibility is not restricted by city, state or country of origin
  • Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.

DR. 菲利普·米. 萨默斯奖学金

  • Full time student; Psychology, Education or Nursing 主要的
  • Student will be in their second year, Financial need, but do not receive state or 联邦援助
  • GPA 2.心理学或教育学75分,3分.在护理专业期间的所有时间 学术期
  • Must file FAFSA each year by state deadline.


In addition to the specific scholarship criteria, all students must meet and maintain 以下是奖学金指南.